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cook-docs uses spf13's viper configuration library to handle application settings.

Here is a list of the current supported parameters:

Command Line Environmental Variable Config File Default Description
-d, --dry-run COOK_DOCS_DRY_RUN dryRun false don't actually render any markdown files just print to stdout passed
-h, --help N/A N/A N/A help for cook-docs
-i, --ignore-file string COOK_DOCS_IGNORE_FILE ignoreFile .cookdocsignore filename to use as an ignore file to exclude recipe directories
-j, --jsonify COOK_DOCS_JSONIFY jsonify false parse the recipe and display it in json format
-l, --log-level string COOK_DOCS_LOG_LEVEL logLevel info level of logs that should printed, one of (panic, fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace)
-c, --recipe-search-root string COOK_DOCS_RECIPE_SEARCH_ROOT recipeSearchRoot . directory to search recursively within for recipes.
-t, --template-files strings COOK_DOCS_TEMPLATE_FILES templateFiles [] gotemplate file paths relative to each recipe directory from which documentation will be generated
-w, --word-wrap int COOK_DOCS_WORD_WRAP wordWrap 120 word wrap line length for recipe steps section
-v, --version N/A N/A N/A diplay the version of cook-docs

Config Files

Configuration files may be used to set the default app settings.

The config file name is .cookdocs, .cookdocs.yaml or .cookdocs.yml and can be located in any of the following locations:

  • /etc/cook-docs/
  • ~/.config/
  • ./
dryRun: false
ignoreFile: .cookdocsignore
jsonify: false
logLevel: info
wordWrap: 120


The variables in the config file can be both in the Command Line or Config File format. E.g. dry-run and dryRun.

Environmental Variables

Environmental variables are also supported. They start with the prefix COOK_DOCS_ and use underscores instead of dashes.