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The default template may be overwritten adding files to the recipe directories.

If any of the specified template files is not found for a recipe (you'll notice most of the example recipe do not have a file, then the internal default template is used instead.

The default internal template mentioned above uses many of these and looks like this:
{{ template "cook.headerSection" . }}

{{ template "cook.lazyImageSection" . }}

{{ template "cook.tableSection" . }}

{{ template "cook.ingredientsSection" . }}

{{ template "cook.cookwareSection" . }}

{{ template "cook.stepsSection" . -}}

{{ template "cook.sourceSection" . }}

The tool also includes the sprig templating library, so those functions can be used in the templates you supply.

Built-in Templates


Name Description
cook.headerSection The main heading of the generated markdown file
cook.imageSection The image section
cook.tableSection The table section that consists of the serving size and total time
cook.ingredientsSection The ingredients section
cook.cookwareSection The cookware section
cook.stepsSection The steps section
cook.stepsWithQuotedCommentsSection The steps section with comments in block quotes
cook.stepsWithAdmonishedCommentsHeader The steps section with comments in admonitions
cook.sourceSection The source section if source exists in Metadata
cook.commentsSection The comments section
cook.metadataSection The metadata section. This prints all values in Metadata


Name Description
cook.ingredientsHeader The ingredients header
cook.ingredients An unordered list of the ingredients
cook.cookwareHeader The cookware header
cook.cookware An unordered list of cookware
cook.stepsHeader The steps header
cook.steps A list of steps. Each step has its own sub heading labeled as Step #
cook.stepsWithQuotedCommentsHeader The steps with block quotes header
cook.stepsWithQuotedComments A list of steps with block quoted comments in between
cook.stepsWithAdmonishedCommentsHeader The steps with admonitions headder
cook.stepsWithAdmonishedComments A list of steps with comments as admonitions in between
cook.sourceHeader Source header
cook.source The source as a single unordered list item
cook.metadataHeader The Metadata header
cook.metadata An unordered list of the Metadata.
cook.commentsHeader The comments header
cook.comments An unordered list of the comments
.Info.RecipeName The name of the recipe taken fromt the recipe file name
.Info.ImageFileName The image name if an image file is found
.Info.ImageFilePath The image path if an image file is found
.Info.NewRecipeFilePath The new recipe file name after removal of spaces and converting to lowercase
.Info.RecipeFilePath The file path of the recipe file

See template.go for how each key is defined.


The cook.commentsSection does not print the comments properly (#3)


Any metadata from the recipe *.cook file will be written to the cook.metadataSection.

>> source:
>> time required: 1.5 hours
>> course: dinner


Uses the loading="lazy" that is available on every modern browser. The only requirement is attr_list:

  - attr_list

See mkdocs-material for reference.

The names of the markdown and image files are made lowercase and the spaces are replaced by dashes. E.g. My Recipe Name.cook -> and My Recipe Name.png -> my-recipe-name.png.

Custom Sections

Custom sections may be specified in the template by using the define parameter.
{{- define "custom.section" -}}
# My custom section
{{- end -}}

Then use it later in the template.
{{ template "custom.section" . }}
# My custom section

Cooklang Parser

cook-docs uses aquilax's cooklang-go parser to parse cooklang recipes. The recipes are then merged with custom cook-docs data, such as Info and Config. The data output may then be directly used inside of the cook-docs template files.

See parser.go for the basic structure latyout.

The jsonify option may also be used to output

Example parsed `cook-docs` output
   "Steps": [
       "Directions": "Make 6 pizza balls using tipo zero flour, water, salt and fresh yeast. Put in a fridge for 2 days.",
       "Timers": [
           "Name": "",
           "Duration": 2,
           "Unit": "days"
       "Ingredients": [
           "Name": "tipo zero flour",
           "Amount": {
             "IsNumeric": true,
             "Quantity": 820,
             "QuantityRaw": "820",
             "Unit": "g"
           "Name": "water",
           "Amount": {
             "IsNumeric": true,
             "Quantity": 533,
             "QuantityRaw": "533",
             "Unit": "ml"
           "Name": "salt",
           "Amount": {
             "IsNumeric": true,
             "Quantity": 24.6,
             "QuantityRaw": "24.6",
             "Unit": "g"
           "Name": "fresh yeast",
           "Amount": {
             "IsNumeric": true,
             "Quantity": 1.6,
             "QuantityRaw": "1.6",
             "Unit": "g"
       "Cookware": [
           "IsNumeric": false,
           "Name": "fridge",
           "Quantity": 1,
           "QuantityRaw": ""
       "Comments": null
       "Directions": "Set oven to max temperature and heat pizza stone for about 40 minutes.",
       "Timers": [
           "Name": "",
           "Duration": 40,
           "Unit": "minutes"
       "Ingredients": [],
       "Cookware": [
           "IsNumeric": false,
           "Name": "oven",
           "Quantity": 1,
           "QuantityRaw": ""
           "IsNumeric": false,
           "Name": "pizza stone",
           "Quantity": 1,
           "QuantityRaw": ""
       "Comments": null
       "Directions": "Make some tomato sauce with chopped tomato and garlic and dried oregano. Put on a pan and leave for 15 minutes occasionally stirring.",
       "Timers": [
           "Name": "",
           "Duration": 15,
           "Unit": "minutes"
       "Ingredients": [
           "Name": "chopped tomato",
           "Amount": {
             "IsNumeric": true,
             "Quantity": 3,
             "QuantityRaw": "3",
             "Unit": "cans"
           "Name": "garlic",
           "Amount": {
             "IsNumeric": true,
             "Quantity": 3,
             "QuantityRaw": "3",
             "Unit": "cloves"
           "Name": "dried oregano",
           "Amount": {
             "IsNumeric": true,
             "Quantity": 3,
             "QuantityRaw": "3",
             "Unit": "tbsp"
       "Cookware": [
           "IsNumeric": false,
           "Name": "pan",
           "Quantity": 1,
           "QuantityRaw": ""
       "Comments": null
       "Directions": "Make pizzas putting some tomato sauce with spoon on top of flattened dough. Add fresh basil, parma ham and mozzarella.",
       "Timers": [],
       "Ingredients": [
           "Name": "fresh basil",
           "Amount": {
             "IsNumeric": true,
             "Quantity": 18,
             "QuantityRaw": "18",
             "Unit": "leaves"
           "Name": "parma ham",
           "Amount": {
             "IsNumeric": true,
             "Quantity": 3,
             "QuantityRaw": "3",
             "Unit": "packs"
           "Name": "mozzarella",
           "Amount": {
             "IsNumeric": true,
             "Quantity": 3,
             "QuantityRaw": "3",
             "Unit": "packs"
       "Cookware": [
           "IsNumeric": false,
           "Name": "spoon",
           "Quantity": 1,
           "QuantityRaw": ""
       "Comments": null
       "Directions": "Put in an oven for 4 minutes.",
       "Timers": [
           "Name": "",
           "Duration": 4,
           "Unit": "minutes"
       "Ingredients": [],
       "Cookware": [
           "IsNumeric": false,
           "Name": "oven",
           "Quantity": 1,
           "QuantityRaw": ""
       "Comments": null
   "Metadata": {
     "servings": "6",
     "source": ""
   "Config": {
     "DryRun": false,
     "Jsonify": true,
     "IgnoreFile": ".cookdocsignore",
     "RecipeSearchRoot": ".",
     "LogLevel": "info",
     "TemplateFiles": [
     "WordWrap": 120
   "Info": {
     "ImageFilePath": "/home/nicholas/git/nicholaswilde/cook-docs/cmd/cook-docs/testdata/My Test Recipe.png",
     "ImageFileName": "My Test Recipe.png",
     "RecipeName": "My Test Recipe",
     "RecipeFilePath": "/home/nicholas/git/nicholaswilde/cook-docs/cmd/cook-docs/testdata/My Test Recipe.cook",
     "NewRecipeFilePath": "/home/nicholas/git/nicholaswilde/cook-docs/cmd/cook-docs/testdata/"


Spacing for the templates is controlled by the minus signs inside of the delimiters. See Text and spaces.

{{- define "custom.section" . -}}
{{- end -}}


To remove the double EOF new lines when .Metadata.source is missing from the recipe file but present in the template file, double new lines is added to the beginning of cook.sourceSection and white space is removed from the end of cook.stepsSection.