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  1. Browse to .github/workflows/ci.yaml file.
  2. Take note of the required github secrets. E.g. DOCKERHUB_TOKEN.
  3. Add the repo secrets.

For the registry, you'll need to manually create an image repository. It does not create one upon first push like Docker Hub.

  1. Create a image repository.
  2. Give write access to a robot for the newly created image repository.


Publishing images is done through the ci github action. The action is automatically triggered grabs the build variables from the VERSION, CHECKSUM, and LS variables. The github action also creates a release.

The name of the image is taken from the repository name after docker-. So, repo docker-etherpad would have an image name of etherpad.

Both the current version tag and the latest tag are released.

Github Repository

  1. Browse to the Actions tab.
  2. Click on the ci workflow.
  3. Manually trigger the workflow using the app version and image (ls) version.

Github Packages

By default, a package is published as private and so after the initial release to the registry, the package will need to be converted to a public package if you want anyone to use it.

  1. See Configuring visibility of container images for your personal account.
  2. You may also set connect your repository to your container image/package. See Connecting a repository to a container image.


See Troubleshooting