Mozilla SOPS¶
I'm currently using Mozilla SOPS to manage secrets on my cluster.
I used the Flux Mozilla SOPS Guide to help setup SOPS
on my cluster excluding the Configure in-cluster secrets decryption section. The biggest problem I had was understanding the asymmetric encryption mechanism that SOPS
uses. I found that the Manage Kubernetes Secrets with Mozilla SOPS & Flux 2 (with Leigh Capili) video on YouTube helped understand the concept a lot.
I also didn't spend the time to figure out how to patch the ./flux-system/gotk-sync.yaml
with a separate file and so I just ended up editing the file directly.
# ./flux-system/gotk-sync.yaml
provider: sops
name: sops-gpg
Make sure that the flux-system
Kustomization file updates properly after applying the patch.
kubectl get Kustomization -n flux-system
Make sure that the basic-auth
was created successfully.
kubectl describe Kustomization flux-system -n flux-system | grep basic-auth
secret/basic-auth created
Here are some commands that I found helpful when setting up SOPS
Encrypt the basic-auth.yaml
secret with SOPS using your GPG key:
sops --encrypt --in-place basic-auth.yaml
Output decoded secrets without external tools. Used when testing the basic-auth
kubectl get secret my-secret -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}}{{"### "}}{{$k}}{{"\n"}}{{$v|base64decode}}{{"\n\n"}}{{end}}'
Import the Public GPG Key Using Task¶
Task may be used to import the public key.
task gpg:import
Check for Unencrypted Secrets Using pre-commit¶
I use a custom pre-commit
hook that runs this script to check that resources of kind secret are encrypted using SOPS
pre-commit run check-sops-secrets
The scipt does not check if the secret is out of date!