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🧈 Pan-Fried Tofu

Pan-Fried Tofu

🍽 Serves ⏲ Total Time
2-4 20 minutes

🧂 Ingredients

  • 🧈 12 oz tofu cubes
  • 🥡 1 Tbsp tamari or soy sauce
  • 🧄 0.5 tsp garlic powder
  • 🧅 0.5 tsp onion powder
  • 🧂 0.5 tsp black pepper
  • 🌽 6 Tbsp cornstarch
  • 🫒 2 Tbsp oil of choice

🍳 Cookware

  • 1 large bowl
  • 1 freezer bag

📝 Instructions

Step 1

Add the tofu cubes, tamari or soy sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper to a large bowl, mix until well combined, and let it rest for at least 5 minutes.

Step 2

Drain the tofu and transfer 1/3 of the tofu cubes into a freezer bag with 1 or 2 Tbsp of cornstarch and toss to coat. Repeat this step with the remaining tofu and cornstarch. Add more cornstarch if needed.

Step 3

If you don’t want to use a freezer or plastic bag, just add the cornstarch to a shallow dish, then the tofu cubes and toss to coat.

Step 4

Once the tofu cubes are coated with the cornstarch, heat the 1 to 2 Tbsp of oil of choice in a skillet or a pan and add the tofu cubes. I used extra virgin olive oil, but any oil will do.

Step 5

Cook the tofu cubes over medium-high heat until all sides are golden brown. Remove the tofu from the skillet and place it onto a plate or a wire rack.

Step 6

Serve immediately with dishes like vegetable tempura, sauteed kale, vegan stuffed peppers, or even roasted red peppers.

Step 7

Keep the leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.

🔗 Source
