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⚙ Development

😃 Emoji

Emoji are manually added to the front of ingredients and cookware to give the pages a little bit of flare. My hopes is that eventually this can be added to cook-docs as an automated task. For now, emoji.yaml can be used as reference.

    - bowl_with_spoon:
        - large bowl
    - cookie:
        - baking sheet
    - page_facing_up:
        - parchment paper
    - shallow_pan_of_food:
        - medium saucepan
    - spoon:
        - spatula
    - apple:
        - apple
        - apple sauce
    - bagel:
        - cream cheese
    - bell_pepper:
        - bell pepper
    - bread:
        - bread crumbs
        - bread
    - butter:
        - butter
        - tofu
    - candy:
        - sugar
        - powdered sugar
        - confectioner's sugar
    - carrot:
        - carrot
        - frozen vegetables
    - cheese_wedge:
        - ricotta
        - cheddar
        - cheese
        - jack
        - Parmesan
    - chestnut:
        - nutmeg
        - almonds
        - pine nuts
    - chocolate_bar:
        - chocolate
        - chocolate chips
    - coconut:
        - coconut
    - cup_with_straw:
        - baking soda
    - curry:
        - curry powder
        - lentils
    - custard:
        - cinnamon
    - dango:
        - marshmallows
    - dash:
        - baking powder
    - droplet:
        - water
    - ear_of_rice:
        - flour
        - oats
    - egg:
        - egg
        - mayonnaise
    - eggplant:
        - eggplant
    - falafel:
        - chickpeas
        - falafel
    - fallen_leaf:
        - bay leaf
    - four_leaf_clover:
        - clove
    - garlic:
        - garlic
        - shallot
    - glass_of_milk:
        - almond milk
        - milk
        - whole milk
        - lowfat milk
        - skim milk
    - grapes:
        - grapes
        - grape jelly
        - grape jam
    - green_circle:
        - peas
        - pea pods
    - green_salad:
        - vinaigrette
        - dressing
    - herb:
        - cumin
        - basil
        - parsley
        - thyme
        - oregano
        - cilantro
        - coriander
    - honey_pot:
        - honey
    - hotdog:
        - chorizo
        - mustard
        - Dijon mustard
        - sausage
    - hot_pepper:
        - chile
        - paprika
        - chili powder
    - hotsprings:
        - hot water
    - icecream:
        - vanilla
        - icecream
    - ice_cube:
        - ice water
    - jack_o_lantern:
        - pumpkin
    - leafy_green:
        - cabbage
        - red cabbage
        - shredded cabbage
        - spinach
    - lemon:
        - lemon
        - lemon juice
        - lemon zest
        - lime
        - lime juice
        - lime zest
    - maple_leaf:
        - maple syrup
        - syrup
        - molasses
        - brown sugar
    - microbe:
        - nutritional yeast
    - olive:
        - olive
        - olive oil
    - onion:
        - onion
    - orange_circle:
        - orange
    - peanuts:
        - peanuts
        - peanut butter
    - pineapple:
        - pineapple
    - rice:
        - rice
        - sour cream
    - salt:
        - salt
        - pepper
    - seedling:
        - pumpkin seeds
        - sunflower seeds
        - pepitas
    - spaghetti:
        - spaghetti
        - pasta
        - macaroni
    - sponge:
        - pulp
        - capers
    - strawberry:
        - strawberries
        - strawberry jam
        - strawberry jelly
    - sweet_potato:
        - ginger
    - takeout_box:
        - soysauce
    - tangerine:
        - tangerine
        - orange
    - tomato:
        - tomato
        - marinara sauce
    - tulip:
        - saffron
    - tumbler_glass:
        - rum
    - wine_glass:
        - wine

🏃 Workflow

Below is my current workflow for documenting recipes.

graph TD
  S[Change to or create ./cook/catetory dir];
  A{Does the source<br/>website exist?};
  B[Import recipe using cook-import];
  C[Manually write cook<br/>file using micro editor];
  D{Is the domain<br />supported by<br/>cook-import?};
  E[Visually check cook file];
  F[Test output using cook recipe read command];
  G[Download image file and rename<br/>to same base name as cook file];
  H[Run cook-docs in ./cook/category<br/>to generate markdown file];
  I[Manually check markdown file];
  J[Move markdown file to ./docs/category];
  K[Copy image to ./docs/assets/images<br/>with same base file name as markdown file];
  L[Add markdown file to mkdocs.yaml];
  M[Locally run mkdocs to test mkdocs-material];
  N[Commit and push to repo];
  O{Is the file<br />correct?};
  P[Edit cook file];
  Q{Is the<br/>output correct?};
  R[Edit cook file];
  T{Does the page<br/>render correctly?};
  U[CI GitHub Action workflow<br/>deploys recipe site];
  V{Is the image<br/>format webp?};
  W[Convert the image<br/>to png using dwebp];
  X[Check spelling using<br/>spellchecker-cli];
  Y[Check markdown links<br/>using markdown-link-check];
  Z{What is the<br/>origin of the recipe?};
  AB{What type of device<br/>is being used?}
  AC[Use the GitHub mobile app<br/>to create an issue]
  AD[Use the GitHub website<br/>to create an issue]
  AE[Use GitHub Issues to<br/>determine which recipe to document]
  AF[Close GitHub issue, if applicable.]
  AG[Identify a recipe<br/>to be documented]
  AH[Document link in issue]
  AI[Take image of cookbook/index<br/>card and add it to issue]
  AG --> AB;
  AB --> |Mobile|AC;
  AB --> |Desktop|AD;
  AC --> Z;
  AD --> Z;
  Z --> |Website|AH;
  Z --> |Cookbook/<br/>Index Card|AI;
  AH --> AE;
  AI --> AE;
  AE --> S;
  A --> |Yes|B;
  A --> |No|C;
  B --> D;
  C --> F;
  D --> |Yes|E;
  D --> |No|C;
  E --> F;
  F --> Q;
  Q --> |Yes|G;
  H --> I;
  J --> K;
  K --> L;
  L --> M;
  I --> O;
  O --> |Yes|J;
  O --> |No|P;
  P --> H;
  Q --> |No|R;
  R --> F;
  S --> A;
  M --> T;
  T --> |Yes|X;
  X --> Y;
  Y --> N;
  T --> |No|P;
  N --> U;
  G --> V;
  V --> |Yes|W;
  V --> |No|H;
  W --> H;
  U --> AF;

  click B "#cook-import"
  click C "#cooklang-micro"
  click D "#cook-import"
  click F "#cooklang"
  click H "#cook-docs"
  click U ""
  click X "#spellchecker-cli"
  click Y "#markdown-link-check"

🛠 Tools

Tools used to develop this repository.


All commands are run from the root of the repo unless otherwise specified.

🍚 cooklang

Used to generate shopping lists and manage recipes.

brew tap cooklang/tap
brew install cooklang/tap/cook
cook recipe read file.cook

🚚 cook-import

Used to download recipe from website as a cooklang file, if possible.

cook-import -l <url> -f

📝 cooklang-micro

Used as a cooklang syntax highlighter for the micro editor

🖼 webp

Used to convert images from webp to png.

sudo apt install webp
dwebp file.webp -o file.png

🖼 avif

Used to convert images from avif to jpg.

brew install imagemagick
magick -quality 75 input.avif output.jpg

🤖 Task

Used to automate tasks.

brew install go-task/tap/go-task
# List tasks

📃 cook-docs

Used to generate markdown files from cooklang files.

brew install nicholaswilde/tap/cook-docs
/recipes/cook/category$ cook-docs

📖 Material for MkDocs

Used as theme for static site.

pip install mkdocs-material mkdocs-minify-plugin

📖 MkDocs

Used to generate static site.

  pip install mkdocs
task serve
mkdocs serve

🔤 Spellchecker CLI

Used to check documentation spelling.

npm install --global spellchecker-cli
task spellcheck
chmod +x ./scripts/
npx spellchecker -d dictionary.txt -f {"./cook/**/*.cook","./docs/**/*.md"}
Add to dictionary
echo "word to add" >> dictionary.txt
Sort dictionary
task sort
Sort dictionary
sort dictionary.txt -u -o dictionary.txt

Used to check documentation links.

npm install -g markdown-link-check
task linkcheck
chmod +x ./scripts/
docker run --rm -v /:/tmp:ro -i -w /tmp "/tmp/path/to/file" -c "/tmp{{ .ROOT_DIR }}/mlc_config.json"


Website used to search for emoji shortcodes.

Emoji Combos

Website used to search for emoji contexts.

Test Custom Admonition

Pied Piper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa.
